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Главная » 2013 » Март » 19 » Zarata Events,новая конвенция с Гейлом в Бильбао в 2014 году
00:01 Zarata Events,новая конвенция с Гейлом в Бильбао в 2014 году |
Вот и обещанные новости от Zarata Events! Zarata Events are pleased to announce the first unofficial Queer as Folk convention in Spain: Queens of the Road.
The event will take place the days 28, 29 and 30 of March, 2014 in Bilbao and you'll be able to share an incredible weekend with the actors of this series so innovative, provocative and pioneering in its day.
Stay tuned for the news and confirmations of the first guests that we'll announce in a few days.
Вкратце - и вновь Бильбао! Ждет квиров и вас в гости в марте 2014 года!
Zarata Events, Queens of the Road
группа на ФБ
Просмотров: 650 |
Добавил: NataliM
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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