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Главная » 2012 » Сентябрь » 2 » Гейл, день третий
Гейл, день третий

Отчет от @verybookish с сегодняшней , дополнительно устроенной организаторами, панели.


Another question was about "his project Home in the Morning.” Gale said he had participated in a table reading, but that it was not his project, but that it was a really good script about things in the American South.

ну что ж...Это очень грустно, но будем надеяться на лучшее.
Просмотров: 418 | Добавил: NataliM | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 4
4 NataliM  
Девушка забывала дышать от счастья, и, думаю, не она одна smile


So.. she asked me if i had the chance to talk to him and i said that for the panel you could ask him questions but they made us writing all the questions on a piece of paper so they could read it before (in case there was strange questions, you know what i mean), and gales manager threw away all the qaf questions so the panel finished a little bit early because there was no more noqaf questions.

During the autographs I couldn't managed to tell him nothing except for "Hi" and "thank you", 'cause I was too excited and I had too many feelings! Seeing him so close for the first time really left me speechless. A girl from the staff told me to don't forget to breath! smile

During the phots there wasn't much time, and I only told him "omg, you're so tall" and he laughed and simle, I will never forget that moment, I made him laugh, can you believe it?
Then he held me really tight, and I felt like I was in paradise :')
I said "thank you" and I watched him in the eyes, then i went out the room and I started crying like there was no tomorrow! It was the best and significant moment for me.
So in the end, I haven't say much, but for me it was good like that. I mean, I was near God, what should I have said? ahah

Then she asked me why all this NO QAF, and I said that it was his manager that wouldn't hear a thing about it.
He autographed with no problem a draw that my friend made with all the actors, and a book with all the autographs of the actor and when he saw randys autograph he said "ohh randy" and smiled.
He also autographed a BRITIN photo, but I don't know much about it!

So, this is all, it's a little longer, sorry for that and sorry for the bad english smile if you have any question, i'm here!

2 medveditsa  
"Гейл сказал, что участвовал в чтении сценария, но он не имеет отношения к проекту, хотя это очень хороший сценарий".
Увы, я была права. sad

1 NataliM  
с сайта Alysandra
The most awaited of the “creatures of the nights” of the Night ItaCon at the Aemilia Hotel in Bologna was Gale Harold, the witch of “The Secret Circle”. Many fans in delirium, arrived from all over Italy, Russia and Spain, who paid up to 600 euro to meet him and take a photo with him and other actors of TV series dedicated to vampires, werewolves and wizards.

Almost 300 people, most of all young women. But there was also who, patiently, was waiting for their girlfriend, and unexpected people over 60. Needless to say, here for Harold.

3 medveditsa  
unexpected people over 60
Ага, ЩАС, "неожиданные". biggrin biggrin biggrin

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