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Главная » 2011 » Февраль » 18 » Hellcats. Сенсационный спойлер! Съемки 17.02.2011.
Hellcats. Сенсационный спойлер! Съемки 17.02.2011.

На canadagraphs.weebly.com появилось видео со съемок сериала - поцелуй Джулиана и Марти. Как пишет автор видео, сцена снималась около 2 часов с нескольких ракурсов. Наслаждайтесь!
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_____________________________________________ Hellcats stars Julian Parish & Marti Perkins get to know each other better

Tonight I saw a few scenes for the locally shot CW series Hellcats done.

Ok, still here? Ok, you have been warned.... soooo here we go.
Earlier scenes were somewhat generic, involving the shows star Aly Michalka & guest stars AJ Michalka (her sister) & Jim Byrnes (from Highlander) at a guitar store that involved Aly chasing out the store after AJ.
But the real big scene was later a block away when Aly's character (Marti) & Gale Harold's character (her professor Julian Parish) shared a little more than the average teacher student relationship does. For more than 2 hours, I saw Aly & Gale do 3 different angles of 1 scene, them kissing. The first angle was however the only 1 that had any potential for shooting. Later angles were done from the other side of the door, thus we couldnt stand where were standing when they were shooting from behind Aly, and the final scene, although I had an angle to shoot it, I would have seemed like a complete ass trying to, since the film crew was mere feet away from me shooting the scene from the exact same spot.

Video attached is split into 2 parts (there was a bit too long of a pause in between parts for my liking).
I was working on a Hellcats blog unrelated to this one as it was, but bumped it for this blog. Pics from todays daytime shoot will be added to that blog later this month.
Просмотров: 957 | Добавил: ele-phant | Теги: видео, Hellcats, спойлеры | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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31 NataliM  
текст из блога на всякий случай от 18-2-2011

Last Hellcats video of Gale Harold & Aly Michalka doing their scene from last night


1 Comment

A few of you asked if I had anymore Hellcats vid of last nights kissing scene between Gale Harold (Julian) and Aly Michalka (Marti).

Yes I do... but like I told those that asked...this one wasnt as good as the last one because I moved around a bit & my camera lost its focus for a second or two.

But here it is anyways, and an answer to a few other questions I was asked...or read on other sites about it.

1- Why did the scene take 2 hours? Filming is always this way. A simple 20 second scene often takes an hr or two to shoot, as they change angles to shoot it from, almost always it takes more than 1 take, the director may ask them to do it slightly different way each time etc. Plus they filed more than just the part shown in my video, it was the only part I had any angle to shoot. There was 2 other parts to the scene where they continue making out from the door to a wall 15-20 feet away that includes them disrobing each other (partially).

2- What was Gale saying in the scene? No idea. I was about 100 ft away & it was just off a moderately busy st with lots of background noise to drown out any chance of hearing stuff.

3- Why does Marti look different in the two videos from the other post? No idea what you are seeing that makes you think that. It was all from the same take, I just stopped recording for a few seconds because the take prior seemed a lot longer & I didnt want to record 30 seconds of inactivity.

4- when will this air? Rough guess 4-8 weeks. Probably more in the 6-8 weeks timespan.

5- Are they filming the season finale? I do not think so. There is still 1 month of filming left and an epi usually takes about 2 weeks to do... so by my estimates this puts it at the 3rd to last episode.

Now, all that aside....... Another little issue.
The last videos I posted managed to find their way to youtube, photobucket & 2 websites without my permission. The content is on here FOR FREE... so there should be no reason to be stealing it & posting it on your page. Simple link to my article is fine, but downloading the video & re-posting it on your site...even if you "credit" me is not acceptable. I dont post this so you can re-post it & circumvent people coming to this site. TBH I dont know how you are doing it, I was under the impression it was blocked from downloading. If you post the article, thats fine, but any reference to the videos should be a link to the site.

I have already had to put in violation complaints to youtube & photobucket & will be doing the same to 2 websites tomorrow if my simple request to remove them voluntarily isnt met.

27 NataliM  
Товарищи, Гейл не бог, вы че там...пошто с большой буквы писать стали? Человек он, человееек)))

28 staraya_kliacha  
минатащчку...а чье лицо тогда видел белокурый пацан? biggrin

29 NataliM  
Брайана Кинни)

30 staraya_kliacha  
Ну я не знаю как в ваших краях... я за границей не была... Но у нас в Палате... Гейла давно канонизировали...И каждый почти мечтает к мощам прикоснуться... biggrin

25 qhemma  
Нам только тихо простонать:"Пжалста,делайте Что задумали(хотя вам бы наши замыслы),но только план с Ним-покрупнее..и подольше.."Все остальное-стерпим. sad smile

24 staraya_kliacha  
Вот у меня опять есть дежавю...
Подобное когда-то я видала...?
Нахальная блондинистая голова...
Собою дверь к НЕМУ перекрывала...
И тоже вот кидалась на Него...
Как в омут... точно мэнов не видала...
Хотя все понимают, что кино...
Без а-ля "топлесс Гейл" нам будет мало...

26 ele-phant  
шоковое состояние просто налицо)))))

20 natali2222  
сценаристам головы отломать,когда же они поймут,что сценарий под него писать надо,а остальные"присоединятся".но приятные моменты,чё---рт возьми,как хорош,даже за закрытой дверью,а воображение играет,на это не многие способны.............viva Gail!!!!

19 остека  
Замнивают...за дверь....
Ну и пусть! Зато Гейла будет больше в сериале! Ура!
(ну вот почему мне эта Марти -Мичалка не нравится, а?)

21 Pusemanka  
да уж вот и мне почему-то тоже!
возможно образ слишком умной "слишком блондинки" способствует этому? biggrin

22 medveditsa  
Потому что эта белобрысая зараза целовалась с ним два часа по долгу службы?.. biggrin biggrin biggrin

23 остека  
По долгу службы?????? Минуточку, товарищи.... Берите меня служить! Я согласна! Где рекрутерское агенство?

18 opiumna  
Мур-мур-мур))) Прелестно))

16 Lilut  
Дааа, не ожидала я такого банального поворота сюжета.....

15 NataliM  
Очаровательно biggrin
больше поцелуев с дамами, хороших и разных, хотя в ЭТОМ сценарии меня напрягает, что Пэриша ставят ниже Мичалки, да ладно, за такого волшебного Гейла можно и потерпеть!
*какая улыбка, ойёй*

10 Lost_Soul969  
Согласна - любой проект без Гейла топлесс - это уже не то!!!
Так что набираемся терпения, убиваемся ап стену, но всё равно с нетерпением ждёмс!!!

1-10 11-15
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