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Главная » 2014 » Сентябрь » 13 » Andron_PressConference_13-09-2014_Rome

Сегодня состоялась пресс-конфеенция по Андрону. Фото в двух альбомах, от Kinwad и из галереи gettyimage.
Thanks for the photo Kinwad, @lucasvizzeretto and darumaview.


Также на gale-harold.it есть много фотографий, сделанных на пресс-конференции Serena @tottimitico , смотреть здесь , фото by Lucia и два фото by Marcy.
UPD У Kinwad сегодня появился английский вариант статьи на Filmhousetv.it, текст в комментариях.
Просмотров: 632 | Добавил: NataliM | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 8
3 Altucha  
NataliM, спасибо за ссылки на фото! И спасибо за английский вариант статьи на Filmhousetv.it. Приятно удивило упоминание Казахстана в интернациональном касте фильма! :)

4 NataliM  
)) я только не поняла, кто из каста из Казахстана.

6 Altucha  
Я тоже не поняла, подождем, когда появится побольше информации о фильме))

7 NataliM  
вот я нашла, кто это - Korlan Madi. В гугле музыка и фото. В гугле в основном песочные шоу с ее вокалом, очень красиво. И у меня большое подозрение, что злую королеву в  рекламном клипе тоже она играла.

8 Altucha  
NataliM, спасибо за информацию! Оказывается, Korlan Madi, модель, живущая и работающая в Риме. В галерее есть ее фоты со съемок Андрона http://galeharold.gallery.ru/watch?ph=Al9-fDVQC и с пресс-конференции http://galeharold.gallery.ru/watch?ph=Al9-fExQb. Рада за соотечественницу!

2 LeCha  
Спасибо за информацию и фото! Гейл, похоже, наслаждается съемками в Италии, хоть и успел опять травмироваться ...(уж поберегли бы его как самого старшего))) А может и фильм интересный получится... Здоровья ему и удачи!

5 NataliM  
Все надеются , что фильм получится смотрибельным))

1 NataliM  
Kinwad- A very bad Italian translation from the press conference:

The cast came to Villa Borghese to present the film: the rockstar Skin,
​​Michelle Ryan, Gale Harold, Antonia Campbell Hughes and the Italian
director Francesco Cinquemani .
Cinquemani explains the project to the press:
"For me it is a great opportunity, especially in Italy where Ambi is
currently working on this kind absolutely international cast: Italy,
USA, Ireland, UK, France, Kazakhstan, Spain, Canada, Malta countries
represented by the various performers. This is really a choral film
where all are protagonists, not something that is often seen at the
movies. Thank you for this, Bacardi and Iervolino. And of course, thanks
to the cast 'cause they are all great performers."

Details of production:

"The film has an unusual narrative structure and to understand it to be
seen. Did not even respect the canons of classic American screenplay but
it is clear that 'in any case an entertainment product. Sci-fi, action,
thriller. There' s so much to discover . stroria In this each character
has its own specific experience and there are no well-defined roles or
minor. And also the story lends itself to a sequel to a trilogy or
better. least so 'and' was thought, although of course we will have to
see how it goes. 'The story sees a group of people who suddenly find
themselves in a mysterious place, a labyrinth, without knowing why and
without even remember who they are. aim and' unsettle the viewer just as
the characters are displaced within of the film. Telling more 'and' a
mistake 'cause you have to let the public discover the taste of the
 In the film there is' everything that movie and I 'always liked. Found all my favorite imagery from The Matrix Cube
but at the same time I obviously tried to be original. Then if I have
succeeded stara' you judge seeing the film. "

From the producer Andrea Iervolino about shooting highlights:

"The film was shot two days in Canada to conduct tests of visual effects.
Then we shot in Malta cause there were some locations that allowed us to
have the environments already 'ready without having to rebuild and
Malta have found a fantastic film commision. The rest of the film was
shot in Italy."

About the budget:

"At the moment the budget can not 'be revealed. Least not until the exit
for an Italian film but we are certainly at a level that can' be
considered medium-high."

From the actors:
Antonia Campbell Hughes: "It was a special experience working on this film. I was immediately struck
by the script. E 'a film different from what you can expect from a
science fiction movie 'cause there are emotions that normally in genre
films do not found."

Michelle Ryan: "It was a set from the spirit of collaboration truly exceptional. Francesco
has allowed all of us to say what we thought and then we were many
talented performers. Si and' treated to a truly thrilling adventure and
technically 'was a truly extraordinary work."

Skins talked about her debut as an actress this: "I was thinking of a definition for this film. In the music would be like
putting together a band made ​​up of all the great rocker. To me it 'was
the first time in a film and I certainly had to learn so much but
because of this I can say that perhaps this and 'the most' beautiful
album I've ever done."

Gale Harold: "Surely the difference between the USA and Italy, and 'that in Italy you eat
much better. Seriously this is a special production especially for the
product on which we worked. A wonderful Christmas gift to make films in
Italy. A truly exceptional experience , a dream. something unique. And I
hope to have done so understand what I 'like to work in Italy."

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