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Exclusive Interview with a Manwitch: Gale Harold on Magic, Evil and Charles Meade!

By Brea,  October 20, 2011

In Slither, Charles Meade did a very bad thing, drowning our beloved Nick (RIP Nick!) to kill the demon riding his body like a Mazda. We were shocked that Nick died but not surprised Charles did the killing —after all, he did torch Cassie’s mom. But then Diana’s dad shocked us by feeling some serious remorse over killing Nick — isn’t this guy supposed to be super evil?

We decided to ask the man behind the manwitch, Gale Harold! Read on for our exclusive interview about evil, magic, and if he’s on Team Vampire or Team Werewolf!

Alloy Entertainment: What episode are you filming?
Gale Harold: We’re just finishing up number 7.

AE: How is it going so far?
GH: I hope it’s going extremely well. I haven’t been up to Vancouver for a few days.

AE: What’s been the most exciting thing for you so far?
GH: Trying to figure out what it is that Charles Meade is trying to do and why he thinks he can get away with it.

AE: Can you give us any hints as to things he’ll get away it?
GH: Not because I don’t want to reveal anything, but what Charles is up to—whether he knows it yet or not—he can’t really get away with it. Right? He can hide it, or you can divert attention away from it, but I don’t think he can really get away it.

AE: What attracted you to this role?
GH: I think that’s basically it. It’s trying to maintain two states of mind simultaneously for yourself and for the people that are around you.

AE: Would you say that your character is the most evil on the show?
GH: Evil is not really something that I think about too much with him. It’s much more interesting to me is not necessarily what is evil?…I think getting caught up in whether he’s evil or not is an abstraction.

AE: How did you prep for the audition? Did you do any outside research, read the book, watch The Vampire Diaries, etc?
GH: No, I didn’t. I tried to go with more baseline proof. What do people do when they’re in these sorts of situations? And try and [give] my take on it. I think it’s much more interesting to see those kinds of things come alive in front of you, as opposed to watch someone go by the numbers and shooting all the points, right?…it definitely has its own anatomy. That’s the word that I can use right now. The size of it, you know. There’s a million ways to play a scene, right. There’s a million ways to tell a story. When you start talking about the overlay of something that already exists, it’s like, you have to make it seem like it’s happening in that moment. You can’t go back in time.

AE: Has the show made you believe more in magic or supernatural things?
GH: That’s a tricky question, because I don’t want to step on the toes of a group of people who really believe this. I don’t know. It’s a mystery to me. I think, in respect to them, it has to remain one. And see how well you can tell the story. That to me is much more magical than anything.

AE: If you could have a magic power, what would it be?
GH: The power not to overthink everything and just be really alive. That’s actually a power. Maybe in addition to that, mind reading is very seductive. (Laughs.) I don’t really know if I’d want to be able to read minds. I might be able to enjoy making people think things and knowing what they’re thinking before they think it. But I wouldn’t want to know what they’re thinking already.

AE: Have you seen any The Vampire Diaries episodes?
GH: I have. Yeah.

AE: Do you have a favorite team? Werewolf, vampire?
GH: You can’t pick favorites. That’s always dangerous.

What do you think? Is Charles totally evil or not? Is Gale Harold totally dreamy? Of course!

source: jointhesecretcircle.com
edited by: ele-phant


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